Golfing in the Desert Outside of Djibouti Katherine and I headed due South to just above the Djibouti/Somalia border to the Golf Club de la Douda. We timed our arrival so that the heat of the day would be behind us. I decked out in a hat, long sleeves, and light sailing pants that I had to roll up because of the humidity. Katherine wore a t-shirt and long pants. A friend of hers from work joined us. After Cam's first swing, I apologized on every hole for having to look for my ball. He was a natural, and this was his second time playing. Not one blade of grass anywhere. The fairways and driving range were just sand. Hard-packed red sand in some places and somewhat looser sand in others. There was never a chance of losing your ball because it sat up like a lighthouse and could be seen for a long distance. There were three of us, two caddies, two bags of golf clubs, two pieces of artificial turf, and nine full holes of golf. Driving Range There were tee boxes, both...
Showing posts from January 11, 2022